Monday, April 29, 2013

Washington, DC this summer

It's official: I'm going to Washington, DC this summer for the National Right to Life's Summer Academy! The program kicks off Thursday, June 27 in Dallas, Texas at the National Right to Life Convention. Then our class will fly together to DC for five weeks of coursework and practicum. We'll be staying at a local university. (I can't remember if it's George Mason or George Washington University.) I also received one of the Blessed John Paul II Life and Leadership scholarships, and it covers half of ($1,800) the program tuition. Woohoo!

Friday, March 15, 2013

Who You Are

JJ Heller's new song "Who You Are"
I love the truth - "Sometimes I don't know what You're doing, but I know who You are."

This reminds me of a song I used to sing as a teenager called "Trust His Heart."
God is too wise to be mistaken. 
God is too good to be unkind. 
So when you don't understand, 
When you don't see His plan, 
When you can't trace His hand, 
Trust His heart. 

We often (always?) ask "Why?" when faced with difficulty, loss, pain, and chaos - myself included. I love that I have a Father God that I can trust. I do trust His heart. In those moments when I'm sick of this broken world, I can remember who He is.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

The Bible Mini-Series: Genesis - The Red Sea

Some friends and I got together Sunday night to watch The Bible mini-series on the History channel. I love watching stuff like this because it usually makes me dig in deeper to the Bible to see what parts are true, to discover things I might have missed, and to determine which pieces are simply speculation.

Overall, I thought The Bible (parts 1 & 2) were well done.

Our journey begins on Noah's ark during the rain storm (emphasis on storm) with Noah telling some of his family the story of creation, how evil entered the world, and how God was now cleansing the world and starting over with humanity.

It was really interesting to see what story lines the directors/producers chose to highlight and which they skimmed over. They paid special attention to Abraham and Lot's relationship (including Abraham's rescue of Lot when he was captured, which I didn't even remember ever reading) and to the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah.

They failed to cover Joseph and his brothers, which I think it important as it sets up the 12 tribes of Israel and explains how the Israelites ended up living in Egypt.

They also didn't get into Moses' argument/questioning with God when told to return to Egypt. The show portrayed the conversation as more of a "Go, do this" and "Okay, God" than the truth of the matter that Moses didn't want to go and certainly didn't want to speak. They didn't show how God raised up Aaron to be Moses' partner in speaking to Pharaoh.

Several parts made me rethink the timeline of the events: Was that person really so old when this happened? How much time past between these two events? etc.

I've been digging back in Genesis this week and searching the Scriptures. I like how media portray God's Word in a new way and spur interest. I hope the series will spur many other people to read His Word, too.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

on driving directions & destination

I like to pride myself on being able to navigate places. Since arriving in D.C., I've gotten turned around almost every time I've gotten in my rental car.

Influencing factors: I'm not familiar with the area. I don't have an actual map (until now - just bought a downtown one). I have no visual map in my mind of where I'm going, and that's a biggie for me because I'm a very visual person.

Then, of course, there's also the issue of clarifying your destination. This morning, the directions seemed simple. I wrote them out and had on my phone. But things didn't seem quite right. I didn't turn off at the Metro sign (where I was headed) because my directions didn't say to. I passed the Metro station twice on the highway before taking control. I realized that my directions (and the annoying GPS lady I turned to for help) were confused. They thought I just wanted to SEE the train station, when what I really wanted was to reach the parking lot and GET ON the train.

Clarifying the destination really is key - in finding the Metro station and in life.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Washington, D.C.

Today was the first day of my new adventure.
I worked as an improptu chaperone/escort helper for a recent refugee from Myanmar/Burma who had just arrived in the country and was flying to live in texas with his brother and brother's wife.

I enjoyed meeting "L" on my first flight. I ended up talking with her about a loved one who'd chosen abortion and now wasn't the same. I was able to point her to a couple good resources, and I got her email to follow up.

I rented a car for the first time in my life.
I met my host family and they are great.

Father God, Thank you for such a beautiful day.