Saturday, February 27, 2010

all the days

I'm reminded today of Proverbs 31: 12. In describing the wife of noble character, it's written clearly that

she brings him good, not harm, all the days of her life.

It's been pointed out to me before that all the days of her life includes all the days leading up to her marriage. All the years she's lived before she even knew the one who would be hers forever. Even as I don't yet know who my man will be, I'll seek to honor him all I can.

In purity I wait, I prepare, I anticipate. I pray for him. I ask that God will bring us together as a powerful couple that can do for God more together than we ever could apart.

all the single ladies

I find myself often wishing recently that there was a book on the single women of the Bible. The idea first popped inmy head a few months back. Most of the places where the Bible directly addresses women, it's speaking to married women. Of course. Most girls were married off very young, so it only makes sense that they were addressed specifically in regards to their roles of wife and mother.

But where does that leave the many many unmarried young women who are seeking to love God with all their beings? This season of life as a single girl is a unique time.

Father God, Thank You for choosing to work through us. As my friends and I seek to live our best lives as single girls, please continue to lead and guide. You are the Creator, and we know they revel in us when find ourselves in You. As I seek You, as I work my best in the ministry You've placed me, as I prepare one day to love and care for a husband, and as I prepare to love and care for a family one day, may You go ahead. May I follow You. In it all.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Pray Boldly

I submit to you this intriguing little piece. Many conversations with the girls in my home group center around the desire to find a man of God with which to share our lives. I like this girl's take on the issue.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

love love love

I love love love the people in my life.

God has blessed me with awesome people in my life. I mean, really blessed me. I work with this group of amazing women who want to serve God and reach out with love to women who need His love. I have this great home group full of people who really want to grow and be in community. I've joined this awesome church that supports its leaders, challenges each of us to examine our own lives, and to seek God wholeheartedly. I have some really awesome family members who love me.

Thank You, Father God, for blessing me with amazing people. May I in return seek to be a blessing to others.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

on being a girl

Being a girl can be hard.

You get a lot of mixed messages. You get a lot of messages period. Like who you should be. What really makes a woman a woman.

To whom do I choose to listen? What dials do I turn up to drown out the others? Which messages can I reconcile together?

Be thin. Be beautiful. Be sexy. Grab his attention. Show a little more skin. Dress modestly. Act your age. Have fun. Be flirty. Take control. Let the guy lead. Lead him on. Exude confidence. Wrap him around your little finger. Leave him begging for more.Wait on God's timing. Grab the bull by it's horns. Pray about it.

25 years old.
Young professional.
Striving for purity.
Desiring a godly man in my life.
Excited for a family one day soon,
and yet totally enjoying this season of life, too.
Wanting God to use me wherever I am.
Wanting to be and become the woman He wants me to be.
But wanting to be attractive, sexy, confident, and successful the whole way through.