Thursday, December 18, 2008


Hey, the Chronicle-Tribune published my letter to the editor in Tuesday's paper. It's basically the same content as the below PPIN response. I added an intro paragraph to give readers an idea of the recent gift card launch and the controversy surrounded it. I wanted to make sure we were all coming in on the same page. I know this isn't the very first time I've been published, but it's just such an exciting feeling.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

In Response

Planned Parenthood Sells Gift Certificates
IndyStar coverage -

I commend Planned Parenthood on their creativity and their capitalization on the holiday gift giving season. As a business, it's natural for them to offer gift cards for their services. And giving a woman you care deeply for the gift of health care is a beautiful thing.

I don't agree with all of Planned Parenthood's philosophies and practices. They remain America's top abortion provider. And as one who's been in pro-life pregnancy ministry for five years, I highly value life. Women. Children. Families. Life. All of it.

So then the question for hardcore Christ followers becomes - so what can I do? If you don't like the way Planned Parenthood works, then it's time for you to explore and support the alternatives you can get behind: clinics for low-income patients that desperately need health care, pregnancy care centers that provide support and real answers, community programs that truly work to break the cycle of poverty, foster parenting, and mentoring. Explore.