Monday, May 30, 2011

Lord, Change My Attitude

I've been doing this study with my small group. It's "Lord, Change My Attitude" by James MacDonald. I have to admit that I was skeptical about doing a video study, but this has been the most convicting study I've done in years. Actually, I think it may be the most convicting study I've ever done.

Each week, Pastor James drives home the point that our attitude is our choice, our decision. First he talked about a complaining attitude. Then the next week he follows up with how we should replace a complaining attitude with an attitude of thankfulness.

Replacing Covetousness with Contentment
Replacing a Critical Attitude with Love
Replacing a Doubting Attidue with Faith

Great stuff. Each time, he asks are you a covetous person? Are you a content person? And so on and so on.

It's made me examine how I really do choose to think. So often I just let my emotions determine my attitude. But his challenge to intentionally decide how we will respond is...just that - a great challenge for me.

Thank you, Pastor James, for speaking the truth and for challenging us. And thank you, Father God, for how You're working in my life.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

nose for your rose

"It's no good to give someone a rose if you cut off their nose." Or at least so says our small group leader Nick. And I think he's got a good point here.

So many people want to win debates. They want to be right. But not only to be right, but for other people to admit that they are indeed right.

Too often as Christians we're taught how to defend our faith as if people just need to here how right we are. Too often we aren't encouraged or trained how to really listen to people, how to ask good questions, how to truly dialogue with people about meaningful life issues.

Let's not worry so much that someone gets something we find so valuable in their hands that we lose focus and cut off their noses in the process.