Sunday, December 5, 2010

learning from their mistakes

I read Gary Chapman's "Things I Wish I'd Known Before We Got Married" cover to cover today. Great stuff! Although it sounds like a great lead in for a series of marriage jokes, it's for real serious stuff. I'm sure I'll read it again at least once before I get married. I recommend it whether you're already engaged, just wondering if the one you're with might be the one, or single like me and just wanting to have a great marriage one day.

Monday, November 29, 2010

great post on pleasure

Lee Bezotte posted some great thoughts today, especially on the idea that pleasure can be both learned and unlearned. Interesting how this relates to our relationship with God. Check it out:

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Pastor John on temptation

So I head to 9am service this morning and our kids pastor speaks on (what else?) temptation. Really good message. Focusing in on James 1 where we're reminded that: 

1. God is never the one tempting us.
2. Unchecked desire leads to temptation, unchecked temptation leads to sin, and that unchecked sin ultimately leads to our destruction.

The key here being unchecked. John (our pastor) urged us to ask God to reveal the reality of our weaknesses. Telling us we must identify and deal with those problem areas or else the enemy will use them to his advantage.

John reminded us of Matthew 4 where Christ is lead into the desert to be tempted. The enemy tries to persuade his to show off his power, to give in to the easy way, even to worship the enemy himself. But Christ always responds with God's truth. Way to go!

Which reminds me of Beth Moore's words: "We're going to have to let truth scream louder to our souls than the lies that have infected us."

no new temptations

I just started reading Beth Moore's "So Long, Insecurity" that my Grandma gave me. In the first chapter, Beth quotes the familiar 1 Corinthians 10:13. Or so I thought. That it was familiar, that is. I was caught off guard as I read:

no trial has overtaken [us] that is not faced by others. And God is faithful.

I've read that passage a million times. Or at least a hundred and two. But the different translation (NET) really made it stand out like a new truth for the first time. I'm not alone. I never will be. I'm never going to face a challenge, a temptation, a struggle so new and different that no one else has never faced it. It's all the same stuff through history, just packaged a little differently.

And God is faithful. Thank You, Father God, and Amen!

thanksgiving is happy, killing them was not

I want to guide my children in the truth as they grow up. For instance, it's great to celebrate Thanksgiving. I love the time with family, the extra time off work, the long weekend. I like celebrating how Native Americans save the Pilgrims in 1621 by helping them fish and cultivate their land. However, I also think kids (as they get old enough to understand) should also know some of the rest of the story.  How we weren't always grateful and great friends with our Native American neighbors. I think we should teach how yes, we are to be thankful. But also how we later mistreated our new neighbors and how that was wrong. Just saying.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Introducing Ten Boom Tuesdays

This woman portrayed Corrie Ten Boom at an event last week. And that when I fell in love. I'd heard the name and knew she fell on the list somewhere of famous missionaries or something like that. But I had no idea the extent to which God worked in and through her life, especially in regards to hiding Jews and enduring the German prison camps. I've been reading In My Father's House, which chronicles how she grew up and how God prepared her for the work He'd called her to. I'm hoping to read the Hiding Place as soon as I can get my hands on a copy.

So I'm totally stealing this idea from the great Lee Bezotte. He hosts Tozer Tuesdays, which I love. I was thinking how I love the idea of focusing a year on the wisdom and writings of a faithful woman of God. So here it is. My first week of Ten Boom Tuesdays. Welcome!

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Phoebe & Pastor Rob

I love the Friends where Phoebe gets kicked out of singing songs at the kids library because she sings about how all people die at some point and how hamburgers are made from cows. I really love how the kids seek her out because they want to hear from "the lady singer who tells the truth." I was thinking today how Pastor Rob at my church is like Phoebe in that he speaks the truth. And boldly. Thank you, Pastor Rob!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

what I should have said was

Do you ever have those conversations in your head about what you should have said when a particular incident happened? It's so much easier to think of what you should have said after the moment's over and you have to time to really think.

So I was rehearsing this morning what I should've said to the weird guy at my door last night. In light of the fact that we had a break in last week at the house, I was leery. I answered the door to find this guy I'd never seen asking if Phil was back in town. And let me clarify that there is no Phil who lives here, nor has there been in recent years. The guy's asking me if I'm new and I'm starting to wonder if he's just trying to case the joint. See who lives here. Size me up. He asks me for money, which I don't give him and I send him on his way.

Anyway, what I should have said was "Hmm, no I don't think I've met Phil yet. But I'll ask my boyfriend when he gets back. He might be one of his hunting buddies. He's a real good shot, you know."

Monday, November 8, 2010

sick for Jesus

"The difference between Uncle Sam and Jesus Chrsit is that Uncle Sam won't enlist you unless you are healthy and Jesus won't enlist you unless you are sick." -John Piper, Desiring God

I used to think needing Jesus was a weakness. Thinking I was pretty strong on my own, I didn't want to need Him. And yet, I've learned through the years that realizing my need for Him is exactly where I need to be.

I've come to dearly hold onto the words of the famous hymn "I Need Thee Hour." And Father God, may I never forget it.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

beautiful 26

I do believe today was one of the most beautiful birthdays I've ever had. From start to finish, great people. Celebrations and happy birthdays everywhere I looked all day long. Lunch party with the fabulous ladies at work. Presents that I absolutely love, including my new Miche bag and a super sweet strobe light. Jenny fixed my necklace and made me matching earring for the big night out tonight, and she did my makeup. Dinner at La Primavera was delicious. And I could hardly stop smiling and laughing as we swing danced the night away. Phone calls from loved ones and my baby neice singing to me. Loved loved loved today. And the beautiful thing is it's not over yet. I still have celebrating to do throughout the weekend. Thank you, Father God. And thank you, family and friends.

Monday, October 18, 2010

laundromat birthday date

My Dad and I went out tonight to celebrate our birthdays together! Delicious Mexican food, overly priced but delicious Maggie Moo's dark chocolate ice cream (with fresh strawberries!), and laundry. Yes, laundry. I asked Dad if he would hang out with me while I did a jillion loads of laundry all at the same time. And it was a really fun evening. You know, you really don't always have to be doing something super adventurous or unique to have a great time. It's really mostly being with great people.

winning when it doesn't matter

So me and my small group had a fabulously fun time at this farm last night, the most anticipated part being the awesome corn maze. But a funny thing happened. I found my way to the end of the corn maze in like 5 minutes. There it was. It was over. I kinda wished it had taken me longer because I thought the most fun part would be wandering through all the corn, wondering where I was, trying to figure out where to go. A great fun challenge with friends. I waited what seemed like a really long time, but none of the rest of my friends ever found the real exit. They ended up making their own exits or coming back through the entrance. Which is fine. But the whole time I was waiting at the end (which was a little fun because there was a tractor to climb on) I was mostly just wishing I was still in the maze, lost with my friends, laughing and having a good time instead of sitting there alone. But it made me realize that sometimes getting to the end the fastest isn't really the big deal. Sometimes it's just the fun spent with other people.

challenge & success

Yesterday I rode my bike (the kind you pedal) to church across down and back home after lunch. It was a pretty big challenge for me. I was skeptical on the way a couple times, not sure if I could make it. But I did! 6.7 miles there, 4.9 back. I took an out of the way track there because I wasn't sure where to cross the interstate. I only walked my bike about 4 1/2 blocks of the whole trip. And I only stumbled off my bike once, on 53rd crossing I-74 because the bridge curb drops off into oblivion. Greatest pick up line yelled across the street at me (when pushing my bike up the worst hill): "Want me to push your bike for you? I hate to see a beautiful woman in distress." I politely declined and hopped back on. So all in all. I love a good challenge, and I love meeting it. Success!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

holy branding!

A new study in Marketing Science revealed that one's level of religiosity is tied with their brand reliance. Their main finding: non-religious consumers rely on brands to a much greater degree than do religious consumers, particularly when income is high.

Very interesting to me, especially as a marketer for a faith-based nonprofit. From the study abstract: We theorize that brands and religiosity may serve as substitutes for one another because both allow individuals to express their feelings of self-worth... studies 1 and 2 demonstrate that the relationship between religiosity and brand reliance only exists in product categories in which brands enable consumers to express themselves (e.g., clothes). Moreover, studies 3 and 4 demonstrate that the expression of self-worth is an important factor underlying the negative relationship.

"Brands: The Opiate of the Nonreligious Masses?" study abstract and full PDF here:

Sunday, October 10, 2010

truth quotes from karate kid

Didn't expect to get real deep watching Jaden Smith in the new Karate Kid this weekend. But I was really struck by one of the things that Jackie Chan said in the movie. "Being still and doing nothing are two very different things."

I've loved Psalms 46:10 "Be still and know that I am God" ever since Steven Curtis Chapman wrote a whole song on just that verse years back. As a culture that's all about action and busyness and go-go-go, it's really hard to really take time to be still. To really take time out of our day for the sole purpose of being still. And knowing that He is God.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

perfect day for walking

This morning was beautiful.

My new(ish) apartment is only blocks from the river. This morning I just walked on down the hill, over the tracks, and right up to the river's edge. You can see all three bridges from where I stood. Beautiful.

Now I can't really say I'm in love with fall. Honestly, it mostly reminds me of how cold the weather is going to get. And I'm not looking forward to that. But I do like the cooler weather. I like no-jacket weather. Just like this morning. Perfect temp. Just leave your house and walk wherever you like. You don't get sweaty, and you're not cold either. Now that's what I call a beautiful day.

Monday, May 24, 2010

witnessing miracles

Fabulously full weekend:
beautiful wedding
crazy fun dancing until we're sore
two new babies
one infant dedication at church
learning to power saw
making homemade tortillas
eating my favorite enchillada sauce
touring a castle
one family filled birthday party
falling asleep to a movie with friends
sleeping on my very favorite couch
walking my favorite dog
reconnecting with old friends
worshiping together
praying together
playing clue and tag and attack
bedtime stories with Marco the marionette
enjoying my artist friends' new creations
laughing laughing laughing

Monday, May 17, 2010

on good news

I had a lot of great news day. I even called it "good news Monday" in my facebook status today. And it got me thinking about news: new news, old news, and how we celebrate things.

So what determines if something is really good or great news? How it affects us. Our lives. The lives of our friends and family members and those around us.

The fact that MLK lived and died is old news. And yet we celebrate him every January because his life and work made for a lot of other even newer good news. Blacks were recognized as active contributing citizens in America. The Jim Crow laws were overturned. Our children now study together, blacks & whites, in classrooms across the country. Blacks hold leadership positions in our country that they never could have held before. My dear friends Josh, Kellisia, Ke'Amber, Arby, Patricia, Kevin, and many more have great lives and have opportunities that never would have been open to them before. These are the reasons we celebrate. All these resulting events and accomplishments are great news!

You see, we don't just celebrate because of the content MLK shared, although we love his message. We celebrate the ongoing good news of how lives have been and continue to be transformed!

And it makes me wonder why people celebrate Christ.

I know (not because I've studied cool languages like Ancient Hebrew and Greek, but because I've had some pastors, leaders, and mentors who did) that the word gospel literally means "good news."

There's a lot of talk about the gospel. The "good news." But what is that good news really? Is it simply that Christ died on a cross and that he rose alive three days later? Because that's pretty old news. I mean yeah, that was really cool. But I think that here again it all comes back to life transformation. Our Christ did not just die and raise Himself from the dead to show us a cool trick. Or to ooo and awe us. Or just to make the history books. He was demonstrating something much greater. He was showing that he could and would and did defeat death. And that He can and does and continues to work spiritual death-defying life-transforming miracles in our own lives.

We don't just celebrate because of the stories Jesus told and the wisdom He shared. We don't just celebrate because He died and now He is alive again. That's old news. We continue to celebrate because He's defeated death, He has transformed our lives, and He continues to transform the lives of those around us! Now that's good news!

My (very brave!) friend Sandy

My friend Sandy is very brave. Approached by a local reporter, she was asked why she's chosen to volunteer with CPC. Sandy bravely shared the story of her own abortion as a young woman. Sandy volunteers at our Center, and she helps women go through our Post-Abortion Counseling & Education (PACE) Program. One woman called Sandy in response to the article right away. That woman visited us at the Center today and met with Sandy about our post-abortion program. I love to see how God works through our lives when we choose to share our lives & our healing.

Check out Sandy's story for yourself. Pregnancy Resources

Monday, May 3, 2010

on being insanely scared

I was insanely scared tonight. Of playing volleyball. Sounds a little ridiculous, I know. Even now looking back, I can kind of laugh at how sick to my stomach I felt on the drive over to my friend Amanda's place. I was so very nervous. I told my friend I'd play because they needed some more girls for their team, but I'm not that good at volleyball. I didn't want to look like a complete idiot, and I certainly didn't want nightmarish flashbacks of junior high P.E. class.

So when my Dad texted me an hour before volleyball and asked if I wanted to join up with him for dinner, I was really excited. Here was my out. I could just go out to eat with dad, call in my cancel to my friends under the great guise of spending time with Dad. I called Dad and let him in on my nervousness, sharing that I know it's a good thing to challenge yourself sometimes. It would be good for me to go to volleyball. Courage, you know. And as I talked, I convinced myself. I needed to do this, if for no other reason that to prove to myself that I could.

"Really now, Katherine," I said to myself. I work at a ministry where we're always challenging our girls and their families to make really scary decisions. Some of them are insanely scared. And I need to reminded sometimes what that feels like. To feel like you just want to turn back. Unsure of how the other people might react to you. Afraid of being laughed at, embarrassed, or left behind. I think it's really healthy to put ourselves in situations every now and then that challenge us, really challenge us to step out in courage.

And as for the volleyball practice with my friends?
It was a bunch of fun :)

Monday, April 12, 2010

my favorite comfort book

I sometimes think I have a very strange relationship with my Bible.

I really like my Bible. Not just any Bible. My Bible. The one I got from graduating BRICK class in 8th grade(kind of like confirmation in our church).

I sometimes carry my Bible with me, hugging it against my chest, not because I really need to but just because I really want it. I have even been known to actually sleep with my Bible. It's become almost like a comfort blanket or "woobie" that a 3 year won't let go. Random. But true.

Friday, April 9, 2010

best quote I read on marriage this week

"You should marry the godliest, most fruitful, most spiritually beautiful woman you can convince to have you."

-Michael Lawrence, in his aptly-titled piece "Stop Test-Driving Your Girlfriend"

Check out the article in its entirety here:

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

on living inter-generationally

One thing I love about my life. It's very inter-generational.

I love my home group, and not only because I love the other girls and guys I've become deep friends with. I love the two couples, both my parents age, who lead our group. Their wisdom, their marriage examples, their experience that they're so willing to share. And I love the four little girls who come to group with their parents each week. Spanning 7-12, they are a true blessing and beauty to me.

At work, I'm usually the youngest girl. But I love learning from the women here. They have seen so much, been through so much, and have wisdom beyond my years.

I have the most awesome two grandparents. Grandpa Blaine and Grandma Ellie. Seriously, they are better than anyone could think to ask for. Praying for me by name along with the rest of their grandkids every single morning. Always ready with a listening ear when pain strikes or I'm celebrating or I'm just processing through something confusing.

Our culture seems so obsessed with youth. I can see how many girls might be afraid to get older, to lose their youth and what are culture says is your most beautiful time. But I don't believe it. I know the beauty of aging and of wisdom and of exploring the new seasons of your life. I'm seeing it all around me. Beautiful women of all ages loving their families and loving the people around them. Seeking strength in their communities and being able to give back in new ways.

I have people to look to. And I think that makes all the difference.

Remembering Karli

I loved Karli Rose. In fact, I think I love her still. I've lost many loved ones, and I don't remember the whens exactly. But when someone dies on your 18th birthday, it's pretty hard to forget the day. So it's easy to calculate that today Karli has been gone from us 7 years, 5 months, and 11 days.

I ran into Karli's family the other day. Her beautiful family. At the noodle restaurant. There they were. Ellis, Kristi, and Alli. And another little girl. A precious little girl. Four years old maybe.

I hadn't seen the whole family together in so very long. I couldn't help but come and say hi and almost cry and just want to be with them. Alli, always known to me as Karli's little sister, introduced me to this little girl. Her daughter. Her daughter Karli. What a beautiful name. What a beautiful memory. What a beautiful tribute. Little Karli. She shared with little Karli that I was a friend of Aunt Karli's. That we went to school together and that we were dear friends. I wanted to hold little Karli in my arms and cry. of missing and of longing and of beauty. I'm thinking of Karli today.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

alright already with the fearing God!

So I lost my devotional last week. Which was terrible because I really love it so much. I've been reading random things from Proverbs for the week, but I was really missing my new fave devo book. Fast forward to last night. In getting ready to move, I unloaded the boxes a friend gave me for packing. And lo and behold, my devotional! Hooray.

Now I was just going to start reading it again this morning. But last night I had this really gut feeling that I needed to read the devo for that day instead of checking my email before bed. Okay, so I turn to the devo for March 15. And wouldn't you believe...

Do not be wise in your own eyes; fear the Lord and shun evil. Prov. 3:7

Alright already! I get it. Fear the Lord. Man, I can't get away from this message. The fifth time in two weeks that this message has come right in front of me. I'm definitely exploring the "fear the Lord" thing. And I'll report back my findings right here.

Friday, March 12, 2010

micromanaging God?

In a discussion the other morning with my coworkers, the idea of micromanagement surfaced. No one really likes a micromanager. And the question arose whether maybe in our unwillingness to surrender certain areas of our life to God we do in fact try to micromanage God. Now I realize this isn't a perfect analogy (as really any analogy of our God or our relationship with Him in going to be inherantly flawed), but let's just think on it a minute longer.

I tell God here, take my life. But then I keep bugging him about how He's getting His work done. Looking over His shoulder, pointing out where I think He could go, suggesting ideas I really think He should take from me. You get the picture.

Father, May I trust You with my life. My I surrender each day those things to which I hold most dear. May I continually remember that You want the best for me even more than I do.

Monday, March 1, 2010


Overcoming Fear.
We want to be beyond fear. without fear.

We think fear = bad.

So of course our first reaction to the idea of fearing God is going to be bad.

We don't like fear.
We've been conditioned to fight fear. overcome fear. be fearless.

But if it's not fear that's the issue?
Not the fear itself, that is.
What if the true issue really is with the object of our fear?

And maybe it's all about choosing the right thing or person to fear.

2 fears?

Looking at fear in the Bible, it seems there are two big categories that stand out to me.

Lots of passages about fearing God.
And lots of passages on not fearing.

So fear is obviously very powerful.

But the object of our fear seems to be the key.

What or whom do we fear?

So maybe the two fear words don't have to be so different. Maybe the difference is what the fear does to us. When we think "fear God," we often automatically think scared because that is what we know of fear. But maybe in letting God be the one we fear, fear itself takes on a whole new definition.

Does that make ANY sense?

the "fear" thing

Reading Proverbs 31 this weekend, I was reminded

Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting;
but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.

Head to home group last night and we read Proverbs 1:7

The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge,
but fools despise wisdom and discipline.

Wake up this morning, turn to my devotional and am guided to Proverbs 14:2

He whose walk is upright fears the Lord,
but he whose ways are devious despises him.

Do I think God may be trying to tell me something? This is one of those times I wish I knew the original Bible-writing language.

I've heard so often about this word fear - how it's not a scared fear, but an awesome respect and awe. Is that true? Then why is it repeatedly translated as fear in our English language?
Shouldn't they just say awe or deep respect or something to clarify for people like me?

And then I'm reminded of how those original languages sometimes had a lot more words than we do for certain things. Like love. Eros, agape, philio for sexual, unconditional, and brotherly love (respectively). Is this the case here? Are there many different kinds of fear in the Bible, and our language just lacks the words to really clarify which is which?

I really would like to know more about this little word.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

all the days

I'm reminded today of Proverbs 31: 12. In describing the wife of noble character, it's written clearly that

she brings him good, not harm, all the days of her life.

It's been pointed out to me before that all the days of her life includes all the days leading up to her marriage. All the years she's lived before she even knew the one who would be hers forever. Even as I don't yet know who my man will be, I'll seek to honor him all I can.

In purity I wait, I prepare, I anticipate. I pray for him. I ask that God will bring us together as a powerful couple that can do for God more together than we ever could apart.

all the single ladies

I find myself often wishing recently that there was a book on the single women of the Bible. The idea first popped inmy head a few months back. Most of the places where the Bible directly addresses women, it's speaking to married women. Of course. Most girls were married off very young, so it only makes sense that they were addressed specifically in regards to their roles of wife and mother.

But where does that leave the many many unmarried young women who are seeking to love God with all their beings? This season of life as a single girl is a unique time.

Father God, Thank You for choosing to work through us. As my friends and I seek to live our best lives as single girls, please continue to lead and guide. You are the Creator, and we know they revel in us when find ourselves in You. As I seek You, as I work my best in the ministry You've placed me, as I prepare one day to love and care for a husband, and as I prepare to love and care for a family one day, may You go ahead. May I follow You. In it all.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Pray Boldly

I submit to you this intriguing little piece. Many conversations with the girls in my home group center around the desire to find a man of God with which to share our lives. I like this girl's take on the issue.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

love love love

I love love love the people in my life.

God has blessed me with awesome people in my life. I mean, really blessed me. I work with this group of amazing women who want to serve God and reach out with love to women who need His love. I have this great home group full of people who really want to grow and be in community. I've joined this awesome church that supports its leaders, challenges each of us to examine our own lives, and to seek God wholeheartedly. I have some really awesome family members who love me.

Thank You, Father God, for blessing me with amazing people. May I in return seek to be a blessing to others.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

on being a girl

Being a girl can be hard.

You get a lot of mixed messages. You get a lot of messages period. Like who you should be. What really makes a woman a woman.

To whom do I choose to listen? What dials do I turn up to drown out the others? Which messages can I reconcile together?

Be thin. Be beautiful. Be sexy. Grab his attention. Show a little more skin. Dress modestly. Act your age. Have fun. Be flirty. Take control. Let the guy lead. Lead him on. Exude confidence. Wrap him around your little finger. Leave him begging for more.Wait on God's timing. Grab the bull by it's horns. Pray about it.

25 years old.
Young professional.
Striving for purity.
Desiring a godly man in my life.
Excited for a family one day soon,
and yet totally enjoying this season of life, too.
Wanting God to use me wherever I am.
Wanting to be and become the woman He wants me to be.
But wanting to be attractive, sexy, confident, and successful the whole way through.