Monday, April 12, 2010

my favorite comfort book

I sometimes think I have a very strange relationship with my Bible.

I really like my Bible. Not just any Bible. My Bible. The one I got from graduating BRICK class in 8th grade(kind of like confirmation in our church).

I sometimes carry my Bible with me, hugging it against my chest, not because I really need to but just because I really want it. I have even been known to actually sleep with my Bible. It's become almost like a comfort blanket or "woobie" that a 3 year won't let go. Random. But true.

Friday, April 9, 2010

best quote I read on marriage this week

"You should marry the godliest, most fruitful, most spiritually beautiful woman you can convince to have you."

-Michael Lawrence, in his aptly-titled piece "Stop Test-Driving Your Girlfriend"

Check out the article in its entirety here: